A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux

Linux: Flathub or Snapcraft or GitHub

Fixed-state modular synthesizer using FART oscillators, if you can hold back the chuckles for a moment stands for Frequency, Amplitude, Resolution, and Transformation oscillators, the resolution regards harmonic resolution and transformation regards the wave-shape being produced by the oscillator.

The envelope can be clicked and dragged into any shape, the biquads can be manually configured on a per coefficient basis, they are executed in sequential order so BIQUAD 1 executes first.

On Windows exported files save to the local directory that the program was executed in, on Linux exported files save to: ~/EXPORTS/Borg_ER-3/

Technical details
FART = Frequency, Amplitude, Resolution, Transition
Resolution = How many additive sinusoids are combined to make the final waveshape.
Transition = Selects which wave shape to output but also allows blending between the shapes.
Wave shape order: Sine, Slanted Sine, Square, Saw, Triangle, Impulse, Violin.

Adjust the dials by left clicking and dragging or hovering and scrolling mouse 3 in the Y axis.

Binds to play audio: spacebar, mouse3, mouse4
Reset envelope: right click on it
Scroll dial sensitivity selection: right click, three sensitvity options

BIQUADS are executed from left to right, first BIQUAD 1, then 2, then 3.

You can use the Load button to reset any changes since your last Save.

You can mouse 3 Y axis scroll zoom the oscilloscope, right click to reset zoom.


borg_win.zip 438 kB
borg 31 kB

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